Well, you've certainly popped that balloon, Chris. Good work.

These "path to net zero" claims by supposedly respectable authorities, that can and will never be achieved in practice, are preposterous and completely risible. It's hard to know what to put it down to - are they being naive, disingenuous or brazenly mendacious?

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Thank you Tim, but I'm afraid anyone who *needs* to read my analysis simply will not. Why not? Take a look at Lorenzo from Oz's essays, I've cross-posted a couple e.g. https://lorenzofromoz.substack.com/p/wrestling-with-ideas

His thesis - which makes a lot of sense to me - is that society is being 'gamed' by people who have figured out how to do so. They win status and riches by doing this, and hence rather than having any incentives to stop they have every incentive to continue. This includes blocking out inconvenient reality in all its forms.

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